California isn't California without restaurants.
The COVID-19 pandemic devastated California's restaurant industry. Small business owners and their employees need help. It's time for California to Stand Up For Restaurants.
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"We will either triumph through this together or suffer through it apart."
Sacramento, California
Katie E.
"The California restaurant industry is important to me because it provides a sense of community..."
Sacramento, California
Danny K.
"I love San Diego restaurants. I do not want to see them go out of business..."
San Diego, California
"...Restaurants have always been a backdrop to so many great shared experiences..."
San Diego, California
"What makes it [San Diego] extraordinary is its food, culture, and people..."
San Diego, California
Ryan T.
"...It not only impacts the employees and owners of that restaurant, it impacts the entire food chain."
Arroyo Grande, California
Jack V.
"We had hundreds of acres of crops go unharvested. We can't afford to be in that position again."
Holtville, California
Octavio D.
"...please support restaurants and dine out. Don't be afraid...Let's go eat!"
Healdsburg, California
Ben S.
"They're [restaurants] our life and our livelihood..."
Concord, California
Reese B.
"They [restaurants] allow us to better know the people and organizations that make up our community..."
Auburn, California
Justin W.
"Instead of pushing these restaurants out of business...let's stand up for our restaurants."
Watsonville, California
Joel M.
"Please open up California restaurants and let us get back to work."
Los Angeles, California
Louisa M.
"Please, everyone, support your local restaurants so that we can all survive and someday thrive..."
Escondido, California
Steve C.
"[Restaurants] are an important place in the community..."
Los Angeles, California
Selwyn Y.
"How much longer can we handle the closure of indoor dining in our restaurants?"
Los Angeles, California
Karen M.
"We need to have our community [come] back together again..."
Northridge, California
Jessie L.
My family's small [restaurant] has changed my life...It started with my grandfather.
Sacramento, California
Nicole M.
The best way to nurture peoples' souls is through our restaurants.
Sacramento, California
Sean M.
It's only going to work if we're able to come together and get restaurants back open.
Sacramento, California
Gary G.
Keep our restaurants open. Keep our indoor dining open. Everyone loves to dine out.
Sacramento, California
Jason N.
Everything that goes in a restaurant is being affected. So, we gotta do something.
San Diego, California
Jalleh D.
I always have appreciated restaurants...the food they offer, the social environment they offer.
San Pedro, California
Here's my plea: Please open our restaurants.
Woodland Hills, California
Tom M.
I am standing up for restaurants, because California restaurants are important.
Sunland, California
Marcin F.
"...memories are made here in restaurants."